cours de langue
Spring Newsletter
12 April 2017
This year certainly seems to be zooming by. The longer evenings and blossom on the trees are always nice indicators that summer is not far away.
We’ve been very busy here at L&E. Julie, Sarah and I (Sam) have been travelling around meeting parents in Paris and Milan (see below). Mike has been meeting MFL teachers from across the UK talking about our exciting Spanish camps. Mike & I also visited France to view some new venues in the Loire Valley which was a really fruitful trip.
Paris & Milan
Julie, Sarah and I really enjoyed our visits to Paris and Milan in January and February. What wonderful cities they are. We were made to feel really welcome and spoke to some wonderful families about our camps and teen travel programmes. It’s always nice to see familiar faces who are able to give first hand accounts of our Summer Camps and Teen Travel Tours. However much you market your camps and personally believe they’re the best thing since sliced bread, word of mouth is always the best way so I’m eternally grateful to all families who go out of their way to spread the word of L&E! Thank you.
Visit to France
Mike and I flew into Nantes Atlantique at the beginning of April to visit 3 venues close to Angers in the Loire Valley. Angers has beautiful rolling countryside with a lot of outdoor adventure possibilities. It is easily accessible by air, less than 2 hours from Brittany & Normandy ferries and just over an hour from Paris on the TGV. Our friend and local girl, Cecile, was the most outstanding host and guided us around this wonderful area. We visited 3 very different venues all with their own charm. The idea will be to offer an English and French experience for all children who have an interest learning and improving these languages. We would hope to guarantee a high proportion of both English and French children for an authentic language and cultural experience. We would also hope to replicate our special atmosphere from our UK Camps. Let us know if this may be of interest. We’ll keep you posted!
L&E Ski & Board
L&E Ski & Board is starting to take form and we’re hoping to be able to give more information on this soon.
In February we had some staff training and a photo shoot which was great fun. Again, we’ll keep you posted!
Teen Travel UK Tour
Our Teen Travel programme has been our hottest property for a while now and this summer looks set to be another truly awesome summer for our intrepid travellers.
Teens are in charge of their own experience. They will explore the UK in groups of 6-8 with other teens from across the world and the UK. They will be accompanied by 2 L&E Travel Mentors but are in control of:
•Their own Budget
•Their own Itinerary
•Their own Accommodation
•Their own Transport
•Their own Food
L&E Teen Travel will give teens and parents the skills and peace of mind for any travelling they do in the future.
Also, even if you’re from the UK don’t think that this wont be a valuable experience. These tours will be like no other and teens will get to see the UK in a complete different light.
We still have availability on the following tours and have scholarships available for UK Residents.
•9th – 23rd July (Start & End at L&E North)
•2nd Tour: 6th – 20th August (Start & End at L&E South)
L&E Madrid Camp
We’re delighted to welcome 2 schools from the UK to our Madrid Camp this summer – Hammersmith Academy and St Brigid’s from Denbigh. It will mean that we have over 30 native English speaking children that Spanish children and other nationalities will be able to be immersed with. Our camp is in the centre of Madrid and we can guarantee an authentic English Language experience. We still have availability for 1 week or 2 weeks stays.
•Week 1: 25th June – 1st July
•Week 2: 2nd – 8th July
L&E North Camp
We are again gearing up for a special summer at Aysgarth School, North Yorkshire. Places have nearly sold out on our first 2 weeks but currently have some availability on our final 2 weeks. 1, 2, 3 or 4 week options are available.
•1st Week: 9th – 15th July
•2nd Week: 16th – 22nd July
•3rd Week: 23rd – 29th July
•4th Week: 30th July – 5th August
Make sure you don’t miss out on your place as it looks like we’ll be sold out before the end of May.
L&E South Camp
This will be our first summer at FSM School in the New Forest and we are so excited. So many new adventures are planned and we have been overwhelmed how well supported we’ve been. Places are still available but not for long. The London Excursion on the middle weekend has been a big draw this summer.
- 30th July – 12th August
Facebook Review
We ask families after every programme to complete a feedback form and are always so grateful for the amazing response which keeps us reassured that we are still doing the right things. However, with Social media being so powerful these days we’d very much appreciate it if you’d also be able to complete a review on our Facebook Page. It doesn’t need to be detailed but a star rating would be gratefully received.
A New Member of the team!
22 March 2013
Introducing the L&E Land Rover….
We are delighted to welcome “Lenny” to the team! He will be involved in many aspects of Learn & Experience from Airport Transfers, Adventure, Activities and Weekend Excursions. Please wave or hoot your horn if you see him around!!
Only a few places left!
12 March 2013
If you are interested in your children attending our Residential Camps this year then you may have to book sooner than you think!
We only have limited places left and we’re pretty sure that these will go in the next month. There will be no last minute places available this year as the demand has been amazing. We’re already two thirds full!
L&E @ Malsis School – Summer 2013
Week 1: 14th – 20th July (13 Places available – UK ONLY!)
Week 2: 21st – 27th July (12 Places available – UK ONLY!)
Week 3: 28th July – 3rd August (18 Places – UK & INTERNATIONAL)
Week 4: 4th – 10th August (17 Places available – UK & INTERNATIONAL)
Week 5: 11th – 17th August (14 Places available – UK & INTERNATIONAL)
Week 6: 18th – 24th August (13 Places available – UK & INTERNATIONAL)
A Week in the Life of a Pro Footballer
We only have 5 places left for 11, 12 & 13 year olds on Week 5 (11th – 17th August). For details of the course please click here
Pro-Coach Yorkshire Cricket Coaching
We have places available on Week 3 (28th July – 3rd August) and Week 4 (4th – 10th August). For details of the course please click here
L&E Horse Riding
Places still available on all weeks. For details of the course please click here
Yorkshire Challenge
23 January 2013
Sam & Randa have a series of Yorkshire Challenges ahead of them this year. They’re hoping to raise funds to offer more children opportunities of amazing experiences with the L&E Scholarships.
• Sunday 10th March – Keighley BigK: 10K Run (Yorkshire Triathlon Run Stage)
• Sunday 14th April – Skipton Triathlon
• Sunday 12th May – Leeds Half Marathon
• Sunday 28th July – Bronte Sportive: 43 mile Ride (Yorkshire Triathlon Bike Stage)
• Saturday 3rd August – Dip in the Dales: 1mile Swim (Yorkshire Triathlon Swim Stage)
• Saturday 7th/8th September – Yorkshire Tough Mudder
• Sunday 20th October – Yorkshire Marathon
L&E Summer Camp Exhibitions
14 January 2013
L&E will be attending 5 Summer Camp Exhibitions in Milan and Paris this February!
- Collegio San Carlo, Milan – Feb 4th
- Sir James Henderson, Milan – Feb 5th
- Franco-American Community Center, Paris – Feb 9th
- Bilingual School EAB, Paris – Feb 11th
- Bilingual School Jeannine Manual, Paris – Feb 12th
L&E All Year Round!
5 January 2013
For those of you didn’t know L&E do offer tours/school trips and family holidays outside the main holidays so please be in contact if you want to find out more.
Happy New Year!
3 January 2013
2012 has been an amazing year for L&E. We are able to look back with fond memories of all the events and camps we’ve hosted. The feedback has been wonderful and we appreciate everything that has been said. It is really reassuring to hear that we are doing something right!
Over 70% return rate this summer really proved it!
The 2013 Easter & Summer Dates have been confirmed for a while.
- 2 Weeks at Easter (1st – 13th April)
- 6 Weeks in the Summer (14th July – 27th August)
We have places still left but nearly half of all places are already booked for summer 2013. Please be in contact with us soon to avoid disappointment.
L&E Experience
In the past we have asked children to choose which course they want before the camps start but due to popular demand this year at our Easter & Summer Camps we will be offering the “L&E EXPERIENCE” as our standard activity course. This means that each session there will be an ADVENTURE, CREATIVE & SPORT choice. Therefore, all children will have an opportunity to try so many different activities during their time with us.
Football Camp with Leeds United
We are again working with Leeds United to offer “A Week in the Life of a Professional Footballer”
for 2013. We are offering the course for individuals on the final 2 weeks
in summer but can offer teams and groups the course all year round depending on
numbers. Please be in contact for further information.
Cricket Camp with Yorkshire CCC
We have also teamed up with ProCoach Yorkshire Cricket to offer fantastic
Residential Cricket Camps for 2013. Current professionals and top coaches
will be offering their expertise. We are offering the courses on all our
Easter and Summer Camps and can also offer teams and groups a tailor-made camp
outside of these dates. Please be in contact for further information.
Horse Riding
We will be offering Horse Riding for the first time on our summer 2013
Camps. We will also be able to offer limited places (stables) to children
who are able to bring with them their own horse!
School Placements
21 December 2012
We have had many happy international students placed in UK Schools in 2012 by L&E. If you’re interested, we provide a free service where we are able to use our in-depth knowledge of fantastic schools throughout the UK. Ideally, the children should have attended an L&E camp and therefore, we are able to know exactly what school may suit the child having got know them. Please be in contact with Sam to ask for his advice.
L&E Horse Riding new for 2013!
23 November 2012
Easter Camp Diary – Summary
17 April 2012
We were having so much fun that we forgot to do the last couple of days of our Easter Diary.
However, let me reassure you that the last 3 days were just as much fun as the first 3.
We had our much anticipated theme night “A Night in the Museum” which went brilliantly!
However, rather than tell you all the things that happened why don’t I direct you to the films of the week
The Leeds United Foundation Football Course
Also, please have a look at all our photos by clicking the Flickr link on the Home Page.
Thank you to all for making it such a fun and memorable week.