- What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Police Officer when I grew up. I liked the idea of being out and helping the community.
- Favourite L&E activity? It has to be the campfire nights. I’m still singing songs throughout the whole year. It’s a great way to bond and get to know each other.
- Favourite L&E memory? I think my favourite memory of L&E was seeing the 2 youngest campers standing up at the campfire and singing a song they knew from school. They were very nervous but they wanted to show their talents.
- Best thing about L&E? I think the best thing about L&E are the young people that attend. Everyone has a different story to share and it’s great. I’m always learning from them. Some children taught me the basics of Chess last year. This year I’m hoping to walk away a Master!
- Fun fact about yourself! I like to play… LASER TAG!