Easter Camp Diary – Summary
17 April 2012
We were having so much fun that we forgot to do the last couple of days of our Easter Diary.
However, let me reassure you that the last 3 days were just as much fun as the first 3.
We had our much anticipated theme night “A Night in the Museum” which went brilliantly!
However, rather than tell you all the things that happened why don’t I direct you to the films of the week
The Leeds United Foundation Football Course
Also, please have a look at all our photos by clicking the Flickr link on the Home Page.
Thank you to all for making it such a fun and memorable week.
Easter Camp Diary – Thursday
12 April 2012
Today our campers, footballers and multi-acts alike, have headed off to the beautiful and historic city of York. On the itinerary are
visits to the National Railway Museum, the hugely impressive Minster, and a wander round the old cobbled streets of ‘The Shambles’.
The footballers are then heading over to Thorp Arch, the Leeds United training ground and Academy base, for a training session, whilst
the multi-acts will return home to Malsis, where they’re embarking on a survival skills session, led by headmaster of Malsis, Marcus Peel.
We shall let you know how this all goes!
Easter Camp Diary – Wednesday
11 April 2012
The footballers headed outside bright and early for another football academy sesh. The order of the day was goal-keeping, with the boys learning the techniques and tactics of the position. The afternoon saw them partake in a football tournament – by all accounts we have some superstars in our midst!
Multi-acts began their morning with games of rounders and indoor hockey. After break, they headed to the cookery rooms, where their baking skills were put to the test! Sure enough, they did not disappoint, and the Canadians were all highly impressed with our traditional English scones! (Cream then jam, or jam then cream? Jury’s out.) After lunch they took on Malsis’ tricky mountain biking course. With the skies deciding that this was the opportune moment to open (and hail!), it was a muddy experience all round! Hot showers, warm clothes and our freshly baked scones were greatly appreciated. The rest of the afternoon was a bit more chilled, with everyone getting involved in a big board-game in the common-room.
After dinner, a dodgeball tournament commenced. As hilarious as ever, some of the moves pulled out were quite simply spectacular. You’d have
to see it to believe it! The final round saw tutors versus EVERYONE ELSE – a truly terrifying experience! Congratulations must go to the kids, who well and truly won! Staff are now in serious training – comeback of the century is right on schedule…
To top off an excellent day, we took advantage of staying at Malsis and played a massive game of hide and seek, with the added twist that it
was in the dark! The first round saw tutors searching for kids, and the second round, kids searching for tutors. Some brilliant hiding places were discovered, and some very small spaces squeezed into!
Cups of cocoa, the ‘after eight game’, then bed!
Easter Camp Diary – Tuesday
10 April 2012
After a hearty breakfast, the morning began with a highly competitive dodgeball tournament, a game guaranteed to get even the most
bleary-eyed campers wide awake!
Our footballers spent their day doing drills and skills, improving on the basics of passing, shooting and defending. This was followed
by an intense lesson on nutrition and fitness – we feel sure they’ll put this into practice!
Those doing multi-activities spent their morning playing a variety of sports, including basket-ball and kwik-cricket. After elevenses,
this was followed by our version of ‘Dragons Den’. In pairs, the children came up with their own inventions and pitched them to the three L&E dragons.
With diagrams, scripts, and estimations on costs, profits and investments, this was hugely impressive. Particular mention must go to Isaac and Evan’s flying food and coffee maker – with answers for everything (made by highly intelligent
scientists in the Russian mountains; costs kept down by paying said highly intelligent Russian scientists £50 for three days work…), these are
particularly useful if you have two broken arms, apparently. Convinced!?
After lunch, the footballers headed back outside for some more hardcore training – with the standard English weather requiring quick
dashes into the sports hall, their fitness was really put to the test!
Meanwhile, the multi-acts kids challenged staff to a ping-pong and pool tournament. A slight discrepancy over the rules led to both sides convinced of their victory!
Dinner was followed by longball in the sports-hall – a game unique to L&E and beloved by all!
With everyone suitably worn out, it was hot choc and bed.
Easter Camp Diary – Monday
9 April 2012
With our Canadian footballers away watching Leeds United versus Derby County, our newly-arrived English kids had the opportunity to meet the tutors and each other. After settling in to their dorms and tours of the school, the footballers returned with stories galore of the game, told over a delicious dinner!
In order for the kids to meet each other properly, we embarked on the traditional L&E icebreaker evening! Split into four teams, challenges included the tissue paper mummy challenge, flour relay races, and for the more scientific minds, the ‘egg drop’ – the (attempted) creation of an apparatus to prevent an egg cracking when dropped, using only a few straws, a plastic bag, some cellotape and string. Cue a lot of broken eggs!
Showers, pjs and hot chocolate topped off a great evening.