Be a Star for the Week!
The Performing Arts Academy includes the following:
- 5 day performing arts programme (half days) delivered by professional dance artist [BA(hons), ISTD Associate and Certified in Simonson Method]
- Workshops in acting, singing and variety of dance styles including: street, musical theatre and contemporary
- Each week works towards a filmed project or live performance with full creative input from the stars and digital copies to relive your moments in the spotlight.
- Exclusive L&E Performing Arts Academy hoodie
Sample Week
Day 1: Musical Theatre 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1115 1115-1130 1130-1220 1220-1230 | Jazz style warm up. Drama games and vocal warm ups Practice song (can have a couple of options) Break Learn a routine. Put song and dance together Cool down and relaxation. |
Day 2: Street/Hip hop/Commercial 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1115 1115-1130 1130-1220 1220-1230 | Warm up Tasters of different street styles (Old school, House, Voguing) Explore floor work. Break Learn a routine including a freestyle section. Cool down and relaxation. |
Day 3: Recap and Rehearse 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1115 1115-1130 1130-1220 1220-1230 | Ballet class Rehearse Musical Theatre Routine Break Brainstorm ideas for Creative Movement tomorrow Rehearse street piece Cool down and relaxation. |
Day 4: Contemporary and Creative Movement 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1115 1115-1130 1130-1220 1220-1230 | Contemporary style warm up. Creative movement tasks and games Chat through ideas for theme/music of piece Break Create an original piece including solos, duets, trios and unison. Cool down and relaxation. |
Day 5: Recap and Rehearse 1000-1030 1030-1100 1100-1115 1115-1130 1130-1220 1220-1230 | Group chose warm up style (any of the dance styles or yoga) Rehearse Musical Theatre Routine Break Rehearse street piece Rehearse Creative Movement Film all pieces and choose which to perform or show at Oscars. |